A mission-led mentor & multi-dimensional soul. Stewarding a movement for heart-led creators and revolutionary leaders to replenish, rise & elevate with ease. Grounded in this human experience to be an embodiment of divine love.

We live in a holographic reality. We are mirrors and are mirrored. We aren’t doing this thing called life, alone. And we get to be endlessly recalibrating.

With over 17 years in communications—in both corporate and soul-proprietorship, a meditation teacher, marketing & brand strategist & creator, mindfulness facilitator and forever philosopher—it is my heart’s intent to guide, support and educate other heart-centered humans, like you, serve and thrive with ease. Steward your missions from a place of greater clarity, ease and calm confidence.

Who do I say that I am?

Who do I say that I am?

I will forever invite you to return to yourself.

Over the years, and in my experience in the spaces of marketing, branding and communications—an industry that nearly never sleeps—came an insatiable desire to soothe my nervous system, and teach others around me to do the same. Through a career built on the power of communications, I learned the potency of our words and the importance of the intentionality behind them.

Some of the many tools I’ve offered over the years included ways in which we choose our words and choose to experience those words. With the refinement of our communications (both internal and external), we have the power to amplify that which is wanted.

We also have the power to soften it all, and to let God take the lead.

It is from an embodied place, that this attunement becomes more and more organic. Where the willingness to lean into faith feels more and more like breathing.

Through my own health journey, scenic route with family, and leading teams where I witnessed nervous system regulation to be of a paramount need, came studies and hands-on application of ways to approach the communications industry differently; which eventually led to—how might this way of being impact all of life around me?

In order for myself, my clients, my family, and beloved community to show up in our fullest expressions, I naturally found myself weaving meditation, self-soothing tools, and Law of Assumption techniques into my day to day. Which, was all well and good, until it wasn’t. Until it called for some refinement. Until I found myself in a perpetual state of inverted reflection and frankly, self-blame rather than simple acknowledgment of my unconscious patterns.

In applying all of the modalities, I also found myself lost in the world of self-help, momentarily tangled up in the dissociated teachings that can sometimes lead us so deep into a rabbit hole playing with the power of the mind, that we forget how to be in our bodies.

We forget, that “it’s all you”, is really a matter of choice in a given moment, and that it’s never only, all you, in the grander picture.

We get to choose differently. We get to remember that we are all here, grounded in this human experience, available for so much more than the eye can see.

Yes, we are multi-dimensional beings and creators.
Yes, we get to serve in a multitude of ways.
Yes, we get to be seekers and unveilers of truth.
Yes, we get to live and lead with love.

And, we get to remember, that we’re not meant to do it alone.

Long ago I made the unwavering decision to be devoted to the reality in which I choose to create in this lifetime, and on this linear timeline. Yet, when I remember that I am guided by a creator with a wildly more vast imagination than my own, life gets to feel even more expansive. If I allow it.

So that’s where we are headed. We always have the permission slip for a divine redirection. A season of subtle refinement. Or, a revolutionary evolution.

I will continue to hold up mirrors, and to remind you of the pure potentiality and exquisite reflection of divine love that you are.

It is my heart’s greatest desire to teach and to witness others serve and thrive from that place of greater clarity, ease and calm confidence—even, when it’s with a dose of loving shockwaves.

I know that you know why you came. Now, remember your devotion to it.

Whether we dive into strategic support for your business; or we weave a wild and wonderful mentorship journey, building your faith in the unknown, you are guaranteed one thing—no checklists (ok maybe sometimes), but the full spectrum of who I am why I came to serve.

now. close your eyes. soften your shoulders. place your hands over your heart. and breathe.

One more time.

Do you hear that? Your heart is beating. Do you feel that? Your lungs are doing their thing. Do you see that? You’ve got an imagination. Do you sense that? God’s moving through you. He’s got an even more expansive one. Life is moving through you. You are breathing through another day, another moment, grounded here on Earth, available for this human experience.

God doesn’t need a ton of people, only devoted ones. Shall we create?

LOVING DISCLAIMER—If you’ve happened upon this digital abode of mine, know I am in the process of refining, recalibrating. Allowing myself to be worked through and divinely redirected. If you’re curious, continue on…